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SCADA Section


Time International


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SCADA and Advanced Control

SCADA stands for Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition. The primary purpose of SCADA is to control, operate, and monitor multiple sites (e.g. oil refinery, water treatment plant, etc…) from a central location. A significant feature of a SCADA system is the trending and forecasting.

The major attraction of SCADA is the ability to significantly reduce operating labor costs, while at the same time improve system performance and reliability

It should be appreciated that while a SCADA system is usually very complicated to design and complex to configure, it is extremely easy to operate!

Our services span all of the following project phases

System Design
Time International builds the system architecture and specifications. This includes all SCADA components; e.g RTUs, the important communication systems, central site and remote sites equipment and instrumentation.

System Components
After we design the system, we select and supply its components, hardware and software devices and equipment

System Programming
The programming of the communication equipment and the powerful HMI graphic and alarm software programs.

System Installation
The installation of the communication equipment and the controlling severs

System Commissioning
All parts of the system is tested and proven to the client. Operator training and system documentation is provided.


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SCADA Control Room
Oil & Gas
Electric Power
Water Control